Local Dev Environments for Dummies

Video Description

Jeff Geerling, Chris Urban

Perhaps you consider yourself a proficient Drupal developer, but you’re curious to learn what everyone else uses for their local development work. Or, maybe you’re just getting started with Drupal and you’d like validation that you’re on the right “path.” This session will cover all the basics you need to know to be able to evaluate and determine what’s the best development setup for you, your team or your dev shop.

We’ll review the pros and cons of a number of approaches, and by the time you leave our session, you should have a good idea of where (at least, we think) you should be headed.

Topics we’ll cover include:

What should a local dev environment accomplish?

Vagrant 101

Docker 101

Mac vs Windows

Who is this Composer and why should I care?

How important is automated deployment

How important is mirroring your production environment

We’ll provide our list of top tools, using our JUJU ranking (Jeff’s Unabashed Judgement of Usefulness). Jeff and Chris have worked together on a wide spectrum of projects large and small, and bring different viewpoints, from novice to advanced. Our hope is that no matter your experience level, everyone will be able to learn something.
