Putting Complex Location Data on the Map in Drupal 8

Video Description

Matthew Messmer, Robert Shell

Migrating and displaying location data can present many painful issues, and they can emerge during every phase of a project. We will discuss ways to import and process different types of location data from multiple sources, how to geocode and prepare the data for page display, and how to send it to mobile apps via Drupal 8’s RESTful API.

This session will cover:

Using Migrate, Migrate Tools, and custom plugins to migrate data from different types of sources.
Setting up daily imports using the Migrate and Migrate Tools modules along with custom plugins.
Using the Geolocation Field module, Geocoder module, and custom functions to prepare data for page display.
Creating a RESTful service to send processed location data to mobile apps.

This session is for:

Developers on projects that make use of location data and/or complex migrations.
Site architects that are interested in complex migrations and/or managing location data.
Developers or Site architects that are interested in serving location data to mobile apps.
