Advanced Local Development with DDEV

Video Description

Join us for a choose-your-own-adventure of advanced local development topics. Some potential topics for discussion include:

Custom Commands and Third Party Services with DDEV-Local

There's much built into DDEV-Local, but people always want more! We'll explore how you can add your own commands to DDEV using simple shell scripts, and then explore all that you can do with adding extra services and configuration using docker-compose.*.yaml. We'll probably use ApacheSolr as our third-party service example.

Advanced configuration for DDEV-Local, using a custom Dockerfile and webimage_extra_packages

It's easy to add new capabilities to DDEV-Local's web image, because it's built on the shoulders of giants, including Docker and Debian Linux. We'll look at how you can find and use Debian packages that extend DDEV's capabilities, and then how to create a custom Dockerfile that does things that you can't do even with extra packages.

DDEV-Local Casual Webhosting

Did you know that DDEV-Local has a "Casual webhosting" feature that allows you to deploy it to actually serve websites on the internet? It's intended for smaller sites, and you have to get a VM yourself, but it's not hard, and it even features TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt.

We'll demonstrate how to spin up a site on a Linode VM using DDEV-Local.

Developing with DDEV-Local in a browser: ddev-gitpod

The very exciting ddev-gitpod project from @shaal lets you run and debug a Drupal project in vscode with DDEV-Local... in a browser.

We'll demonstrate how this works and talk about the future of ddev-gitpod

Randy Fay