Module Examples and Tutorials
Video Description
Submitted by Bob Snodgrass (can take notes)
Talk about best practices to add examples, tutorials, and demonstrations to your modules.
Modules developers and maintainers have a wide variety of methods they use to provide examples and help to people using their modules on various sites. How can we improve the experience for people building, configuring, maintaining, and using Drupal sites. Are there some best practices that would be applied to provide better examples, help, and consistency to make the best use of contributed modules?
Talk about best practices to add examples, tutorials, and demonstrations to your modules.
Modules developers and maintainers have a wide variety of methods they use to provide examples and help to people using their modules on various sites. How can we improve the experience for people building, configuring, maintaining, and using Drupal sites. Are there some best practices that would be applied to provide better examples, help, and consistency to make the best use of contributed modules?