DevOps: Why, How, and What

Video Description

LCM’s Rob Bayliss and Kelly Albrecht will be dynamically presenting their session based on results from this NEDCamp 2018 DevOps Measure. If you are attending, please respond to its DevOps statements, on behalf of your team, to see the results, with areas of focus and some advice. These results will structure the content of the presentation, taking place at 9am on Saturday, November 17 at Rhode Island College in Providence, RI.

Many people today find themselves learning about DevOps by first seeing one of its outcomes and learning about how that outcome came to be. Learning why something is considered to be a part of DevOps is not necessary to implement those pieces of it. However, knowing why something would be considered a part of DevOps, or even why a DevOps strategy is important, and for who, can mean the difference between following and leading in an industry.

In this talk, Rob Bayliss and Kelly Albrecht will show, using intuition backed by empirical research, why DevOps is the most important technological strategy of our day. In doing so, attendees will gain the understanding necessary to gain buy-in for DevOps at their organization as well as how to know what might fit a DevOps strategy and what doesn't.

DevOps is a journey and how you do it matters too. Beyond the why of DevOps, this session expands further on how to go about choosing and implementing DevOps tools and practices. Attendees will gain insights into how they might start doing DevOps in their organization, or how to progress further if they've already gotten a start.

Finally, if you are able to implement a DevOps journey successfully, what will you see? In conclusion, this session will discuss various outcomes of successful DevOps implementations.

Overall, attendees of this session will leave with a foundational knowledge of DevOps that is sufficient to find their way to continued success in the field.

Speaker: Kelly Albrecht