Standardizing Cloud infrastructure
Video Description
Youssef Riahi
Infrastructure as code is an essential practice for managing modern cloud infrastructures. Manually configuring, deploying or changing infrastructure is error prone and tedious. A scripted and automated infrastructure is key for a sound DevOps practice. This presentation will go over the benefits of handling infrastructure as code, its benefits, lessons learned and some gotchas. This topic will be in the form of a presentation (slides) followed by questions from the audience. The presentation will cover real work example(s) and use cases of IAC; and how do we, Massachusetts Digital Services Office, use tools like Terraform to manage some of our infrastructure. Upon completion of the presentation, the audience would have become informed; or more informed for others, about the benefit of using Tools like Terraform to manage infrastructure as code.
Infrastructure as code is an essential practice for managing modern cloud infrastructures. Manually configuring, deploying or changing infrastructure is error prone and tedious. A scripted and automated infrastructure is key for a sound DevOps practice. This presentation will go over the benefits of handling infrastructure as code, its benefits, lessons learned and some gotchas. This topic will be in the form of a presentation (slides) followed by questions from the audience. The presentation will cover real work example(s) and use cases of IAC; and how do we, Massachusetts Digital Services Office, use tools like Terraform to manage some of our infrastructure. Upon completion of the presentation, the audience would have become informed; or more informed for others, about the benefit of using Tools like Terraform to manage infrastructure as code.