Texas Camp 2018 | Nurturing a Productive Lifestyle

Video Description

Do you ever reach the end of your day and wonder what you actually accomplished? Even worse - do you have weeks where you feel like you didn’t get anything done at all? This is a story about overcoming bad habits and getting shit done. There's the Ivy Lee Method, 80/20 principle, and a laundry list of other lifehacks that all work... for awhile. Change happens. Rather than focusing on a single solution, we'll discuss how to nurture a productive lifestyle to help you roll with the punches. We'll learn how to bounce back from failure and feel good about the work we do. Key takeaway: "It is within my means to become happier and more productive by thinking differently about myself and the work that I do. As a result, I will be a calmer, more reliable person."

David Needham
David Needham is a Developer Advocate at Pantheon where he focuses on education and inspiration to help developers find success. David also serves on the board of directors at Enjoy Creativity. David has been a public speaker since 2008 and an entrepreneur since 2000. David enjoys photography, getting nerdy about productivity, and playing board games with his wife and kids. David has presented formal presentations on Drupal and WordPress dozens of times, including DrupalCons at Chicago, London, Denver, Munich, Portland, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Vienna, and Nashville.
