Texas Camp 2018 | Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: How Weightlifting Helped Me Accept My Place in Tech
Video Description
Weightlifting and tech. On the surface, these two things may not seem to have much in common, but as a woman trying to navigate both of these male-dominated spheres, I’ve often been intimidated, and doubted whether I really belonged. While I was able to overcome imposter syndrome in my weightlifting practice fairly quickly, I’ve struggled with it for many years with in the tech sphere. In this session, I’ll look at the strategies that helped me overcome imposter syndrome in the gym, and my journey of applying them to my professional life. I hope that anyone attending this session will walk away feeling empowered about their position and skills within the tech community!
Kristen Mayer
Kristen is a software developer currently working on a graduate degree in Human Computer Interaction at the University of Michigan School of Information.
Kristen Mayer
Kristen is a software developer currently working on a graduate degree in Human Computer Interaction at the University of Michigan School of Information.