Texas Camp 2019 | How we used Drupal to build one of the biggest government websites of Panama

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Presenter: Diego Tejera

In the last two years we have been working with the Panamanian government to build the new version of the website www.panamatramita.gob.pa which is part of Panamanian's government digital strategy. This site is powered by Drupal 8 and it is used by all government institutions, ministries and departments of the country on which each of them is in charge of managing and updating all of the information about what services and processes a citizen or a foreign can do with them. This information includes things like what are the requirements, where it can be done, contact information, etc. This session will expand on what challenges and solutions we encounter while: Migrating content from Drupal 7, Building a robust editorial process, Building easy to use user interfaces to administer the content, Building information dashboards for administrators to track how the site is being used and how it is performing