In recent years, front end development tools have come a long way. Gone are the days of suffering through remembering multiple browser vendor prefixes. We can now focus on what matters most: Writing the code that makes our designs unique. Matt Farina and Nathan Smith will be presenting on how to use Compass/Sass in your Drupal workflow, significantly speeding up the processes of working with CSS. They will guide you past the mental hurdle of "not invented here" and explain how Ruby and PHP can be the best of friends. Or rather, how using Sass does not require much Ruby knowledge at all. Outline: — What is Sass? Compass? (and SCSS too) — Installing Sass & Compass — Compass config in a theme — Sass basics — Compass CSS3 Hotness — More Miscellaneous Hotness You can download the PDF slides here: — http://j.mp/drupal-compass

Questions answered by this session:
What is Sass? Why should I care?
Do I have to run Ruby on my server to use Sass? (Hint: No)
What's the difference between Sass and Compass?

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