DrupalCon Munich 2012: Caching without fear

Caching is a typical performance boosting strategy but as Phil Karlton said, "There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors." Managing the many layers of caching that can exist in a Drupal system can be a frustrating and time consuming experience. Learn what you need to know about caching and Drupal including:

Behavioral differences between various internal cache storage systems
Tips and techniques you can use when interacting with Drupal's internal caches
Modules and techniques for controlling external caches like Varnish.
Drupal 8 cache tags and how you can use it now
Cutting through the caching onion - how to manage levels of caching (local object cache, local reverse proxy cache, CDN) with a minimum of tears
Beyond memcached: a look at what other object caching daemons like Membase and Redis offer and how much Drupal takes advantage of them now

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