Lagoon: OpenSource Docker Build & Deploy System with Full Drupal Support

Michael Schmid

Docker: Kalabox, DDev, Sperm Whale, Dinghy, DrupalVM, Docksal, and probably many more.

Whereas the same Docker Images locally, on development sites and on production.

Lagoon solves that. Lagoon allows developers to locally develop Docker and have the exact same Docker Images and Containers running in Production within Kubernetes. Lagoon knows how to run a Drupal site with Varnish, Nginx, PHP, MariaDB, Solr, Elasticsearch, Drush, Compass and Console on Kubernetes and will do everything for you.

Go to Git Repository to Lagoon and Lagoon will deploy it for you.

Lagoon is completely Open Source.

In this talk I will present:

How to Lagoon
How to Use How to Use Lagoon
How to Use Lagoon on Your Own
Where to Go?

Drupal is a registered trademark of Dries Buytaert.