DON’T PANIC! A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Drupal 10 Migration for Non-Developers


Content Management Systems manage content, right? So, it seems that moving content from one CMS to another should be a simple thing…especially different versions of the same CMS, like Drupal 7 and Drupal 10. What can be so difficult? It’s JUST TEXT!

Except it’s not.

Despite somewhat knowing where you want to arrive, the migration to get there is a complex process for many reasons. Like a hitchhiker, if you know where you want to arrive, but the way is complicated, appraising the route and the risks involved is important. A guide (and a towel) can be critical to your success.

This session is for anyone wanting to understand:
* What makes content complex
* Why the complexities demand strategic decisions when migrating
* Which types of decisions
* How non-content affects migration
* Migration planning should begin now!

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