Don't Put It All on the Homepage

So many websites suffer from content bloat, especially the all-important homepage, as they try to meet all the needs of a wide-ranging audience (including internal staff and leadership).

Multiple call-to-action sections, image sliders, department news, upcoming events, workshops, registrations, mission statements, and navigation menus that stretch on and on. It’s all too much!

Let’s put the focus back where it belongs – on your users. What do they need most? What actions and pathways do you want them to take? How can we simplify the navigation and make a better user experience?

We’ll move through the stages of resolution, from identifying when there is a problem to the joys of finding solutions. Using real case-studies from past projects, we’ll talk about strategies for taming the homepage, and applying the same lessons to your site navigation and other landing pages.

About the Speaker
Dan Moriarty
CEO and Creative Director at Electric Citizen

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