I'm a Scrumberjack and I'm OK! Prioritizing Your Scrum Product Backlog for Drupal Work

Video Description

Session speaker(s): aimeerae

This session will cover how to prioritize and maintain a Product Backlog within a Scrum/Kanban environment that balances "keeping the lights on" with new product features. This is meant to cover a site or group of sites over time vs a finite project scope.

Are you using Agile and Scrum project management methodologies for your own site or for your clients? Is the backlog of work CRAZY HUGE! Is it riddled with suggestions vs. real feature requests? How do you know what work to do next? How do you balance Drupal core and contrib updates in your workload in a manner that won't distract from the business improvements your stakeholders request?

In this session, we'll cover how to plan your product backlog that is aligned to the needs of you and your stakeholders (clients) while keeping your Drupal installation tidy over time!

What do you need to know get value from this session?

You have a bunch of work requests for a client and don't know how to manage it.
You've heard Scrum is the way to go, but don't know how to start.
Someone has required that you work in an "Agile" or Scrum environment, but you don't know what that means.
Basic Drupal terms, such as core, contrib, updates, views - even at the most non-technical level.
What will you learn in this session?

Overview of Scrum / Agile work management.
Terms and concepts of Scrum / Agile work management applied to real examples.
Types of backlogs used to manage and organize work.
How to quantify work within a development cycle.
How to qualify and prioritize work by business drivers.
How to practically manage work requests of different sizes in the course of a delivery cycle.
How to evolve a large feature / work request over multiple delivery cycles.
Identifying work requests by business value!
Communicating business value with your stakeholders
