Do you rebuild in Drupal 8, or Wait? Going from Drupal 7 to 8 or 9

Video Description

Anne at Kanopi

The average lifespan of a website is 3 years. Drupal 7 will be end-of-life in 3 years.

If your site is in Drupal 7 you are likely asking yourself what to do. Is it time to start from scratch and rebuild, or can you maximize what you have?

There are lots of options and in this session, we will cover how to:

Lower risk with site clean up
Get results by not rushing
Invest and plan for the total cost of ownership
Come to learn how to improve your website experience right where it needs it the most.

Learn how you can evolve the investment in your existing website and prepare for moving to Drupal 8/9. Making targeted updates allow you to focus on addressing a few key issues, while still leveraging the investment of time, energy and funds that went into your site's foundation.

Learning Outcomes

Leave with actionable next steps on how to evaluate the future of your website
How to get buy-in from your stakeholders on the best direction for the organization
Learn what cost-effective solutions are available to support optimal website health