Web Components: The Future of Web Development is Here

Video Description

Speaker(s): JohnRiv, chiefcll

If you haven’t explored Web Components yet, you’re missing out on a powerful tool that can greatly enhance reusability of common web elements throughout your websites and web applications. As Comcast has been updating our web properties to unify under a single UX, using Web Components with Polymer has helped make that process much more efficient.

This session will introduce you to what exactly Web Components are and how to use them. We’ll also cover building Web Components with Polymer, the most popular Web Component library. You’ll get to hear how Comcast is using the web platform to build its next generation single page apps & websites using the latest browser APIs.

You’ll also learn about how easy it is to onboard a team to using Polymer, tips for sharing components with other websites & across teams, and best practices Comcast has established for efficient development of Web Components.
Other Events this was Presented at:
MinneWebCon 2017
LibertyJS 2017

John Riviello created his first hypertext document on the Internet in 1996 and has been obsessed with building for the web ever since. He spends his days as Distinguished Engineer and Lead Frontend Developer at Comcast, where he works on the Xfinity customer websites and web applications. He loves discovering and building new tools that make web development more enjoyable and sharing that knowledge with everyone around him through speaking at conferences and facilitating workshops. He is also the author of the Lynda.com course CSS to Sass: Converting an Existing Site. In his free time, he prefers surfing waves over surfing the internet.

Chris Lorenzo has worked at Comcast for 10 years - currently as a distinguished engineer. He enjoys building and motivating teams, and ramping up new projects using the latest patterns and web primitives. Besides coding in JavaScript, he loves spending time with his wife and two children and helping out in the community. Chris is also heavily involved with local colleges and schools to mentor the next generation.
