DrupalCon Nashville 2018: Growing Our Tribes: Creating Sustainable Micro-Communitiaes

Video Description

"There's only 30 hours left to solve Rules module's remaining problems. We have so many people signed up, we will have to tell some no." -- Said no one, ever.

This is a problem for Drupal. If we want to remain a leading community, we need to find better ways to foster our tribes and give them the tools they need to grow into thriving micro-communities.

Join this talk to hear ideas about how we can make that first statement true, I'll share my progress at creating a kit to help reduce the pain of creating a network within the Drupal community, keeping people focused on priorities (designated cat-herder supports), and finally, attracting more than just developers to your cause.

This talk aims to answer the questions:

What is it exactly that makes it so hard to get involved?
Why is there such a low diversity of contributors among skillsets? (Devs, vs PM, vs UX, vs Other roles)
What solutions do we have today? Why are they succeeding or failing at growing focused, thriving groups of contributors?
What are other communities doing?
What could we be doing better?
How do we get there?
Let's talk about the future of Drupal community development and how to create communities within Drupal that are inclusive to non-developer profiles and provide solutions to jumpstart people's passions!