DrupalCon Nashville 2018: Creating a PM Career Path Within the Drupal Community

Video Description

The Project Manager role in the digital space is still in its infancy. Because of that, we work hard each day to define and implement best practices at each level. Once we feel we have mastered our role, there isn’t a clear path of where to go next. What does that next opportunity look like and how do we find it? Now add to that the uniqueness of working within an open source community like Drupal.

To talk about their own unique career paths and challenges they have faced, we have pulled together 5 panelists of current and former project managers including:

Alex MacMillan, COO, ThinkShout
Darren Petersen, Senior Technical Project Manager, Lullabot
Joe Crespo, Director of Accounts, Aten Design Group
Lynn Winter, Freelance Project Manager and Digital Strategist, lynnwintermn.com
Stephanie El-Hajj, Project Manager, Amazee Labs

For this session, we will start with a brief round of lighting presentations followed by a Q&A discussion. Some questions we will start with include:

What is it like to be a PM within the Drupal Community?
What are the different career paths for a PM?
How does one stay happy and fulfilled within the role?
How do you prepare yourself to move to the next level?
Do certifications matter?
How do you make a freelance career work in this community?
We hope that you will bring your own questions to help us dive into the good stuff!

By the end of this session, you will walk away will ideas on how to approach your career within this community. The session is for all project managers no matter where you are at in your own PM career path.