DrupalCon Dublin 2016: Structure for Creativity

Video Description

You are probably familiar with collaboration across different skills, and we all know our good intentions to include as many perspectives as possible.
We all know we should communicate as much as possible, but sometimes sharing your thoughts is not enough – you have to find a way to actually work together.

So how do we collaborate to create quality digital products? 

In our work as respectively frontend developer and UX designer, we have discovered several approaches and tools to support valuable development. Come join our co-presentation of how we structure our work (and code) for a creative and smart development phase.

Do you want to do more than talk about creativity?

We will share stories of how design can keep evolving in the development phase, and how we use our differences to ensure creation of valuable digital products. 
How do we bring findings from the analysis phase through the design and development phase, and keep challenging our own knowledge of creative development with prototyping, user stories, Post CSS etc.

A conversation where we share examples, tools and tips from our daily initiatives to create valuable digital products and how we structure our work to keep learning and ensuring quality.