Simplifying your life with panels

Video Description

Speakers: krisahil
Track: Site Building
Audience: Intermediate

Learn to harness the power of Panels ecosystem to architect easy-to-maintain and powerful web sites. I'll show how to use Panels to control every part of the page, thus avoiding Display Suite, Context, and core Block module (for placing blocks). I'll give tips to site-builders for when to use Panels vs. Display Suite/Context.

Specific topics:

• Panels Everywhere: Control the non-content regions of the pages. Use variants for custom landing pages.
• Page Manager: Easily create new pages that use existing layouts.
• Panelizer: Give editors per-node and per-View mode layout control. Very powerful if used correctly; confusing if not.
• Layouts: Create new layouts with minimal template files and code.
• Mini panels: Nest layouts for custom pages.