Off with Drupal's Head!
Video Description
Speakers: stevector, mglaman, rtraviss, aCyborg, nLn54rkhGdpVQr6
Track: Coding, Front End, MADCamp (Alice in Wonderland)
Audience: Intermediate
If you want to chop off Drupal’s head you must first determine where the neck is. That can be more difficult than playing croquet with a flamingo.
Join a lively panel discussion about the varied techniques used to implement the “headless Drupal” concept. Panel members will each bring a unique perspective on the challenges of meeting the Red Queen’s demand of “Off with Drupal’s head!”
• Raphael Traviss, a contributor to the RESTful module, will speak from his experience with that module in combination with Backbone and other front end tools.
• Matt Glaman has written Angular apps ( and the Chrome extension Drupal Issue Tracking) that read from’s relatively new read-only REST API (
• Beth is a Drupal developer who has used Views to structure feeds of data to be sent to non-Drupal systems.
• Ashley Cyborski is a designer who writes prototype and style guide markup outside of Drupal to then be connected to Drupal sites.
• Steve Persch, a senior engineer and team lead at Palantir, will moderate the discussion and encourage audience questions.
Track: Coding, Front End, MADCamp (Alice in Wonderland)
Audience: Intermediate
If you want to chop off Drupal’s head you must first determine where the neck is. That can be more difficult than playing croquet with a flamingo.
Join a lively panel discussion about the varied techniques used to implement the “headless Drupal” concept. Panel members will each bring a unique perspective on the challenges of meeting the Red Queen’s demand of “Off with Drupal’s head!”
• Raphael Traviss, a contributor to the RESTful module, will speak from his experience with that module in combination with Backbone and other front end tools.
• Matt Glaman has written Angular apps ( and the Chrome extension Drupal Issue Tracking) that read from’s relatively new read-only REST API (
• Beth is a Drupal developer who has used Views to structure feeds of data to be sent to non-Drupal systems.
• Ashley Cyborski is a designer who writes prototype and style guide markup outside of Drupal to then be connected to Drupal sites.
• Steve Persch, a senior engineer and team lead at Palantir, will moderate the discussion and encourage audience questions.