DrupalCon Latin America 2015: Drupal 8 Console (scaffolding module generator)

Video Description

Speakers: jmolivasdmouse
Every modern framework nowadays provides a scaffolding tool code generator for speeding up the process of starting a new project and avoid early repetitive tasks.

The purpose of this project is to leverage the Symfony Console Component to provide a CLI tool to automate the creation of drupal 8 modules by generating the directory structure for a module, routing, controllers, forms, services, plugins and required configuration files.

It supports adding services using Dependency Injection on class generation.

What is out of the box?

Generates module and info files.
Generates PSR-4 compliant directory structure for a module.
Register routes on YML files and map to PHP Classes (controller, form, service).
Create classes adding namespaces, uses and also the extend and implements keywords when required.
Support adding services using Dependency Injection on class generation.
During this session you will learn about the concepts and components introduced on Drupal 8 and by the end you will have the basic knowledge required for writing a Drupal 8 module.

Some topics that will be mentioned on this session

HTTP Request/Response
Service Container
Dependency Injection
This session will include a demo of https://drupal.org/project/console (scaffolding module generator)

Who will benefit of using an automatic code module generator ?

Module Maintainers & Developers
Create & Migrate contributed modules to Drupal 8.
Drupal Trainers & Consultors
Train developers on Drupal 8.
Drupal Shops
Reduce module development time for Drupal 8.