DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014: The Future of HTML and CSS

Video Description

Speakers: prestonso
In the face of bewildering advancements in the front end, it's useful to take a step back and take stock of where the fundamentals are headed: namely HTML and CSS. These two lowly languages have been largely left by the wayside as we front-enders scream ahead with abstractions and frameworks. But where are HTML and CSS headed exactly? This session examines progress working groups have made to the existing standards, techniques that are already or will soon be available for developers, and some of the proposals being floated around the standards.

We'll devote our attention to the following questions: How far have HTML and CSS come? What upcoming techniques or proposed additions are most relevant to us as Drupalists? What does the future of HTML and CSS look like in terms of cross-browser compatibility, programmatic approaches, and more extensive possibilities? What are Web Components and the Shadow DOM? How can we prepare for the approaching future of HTML and CSS?

Just some of what we will delve into:

A brief retrospective: Where are we now?
The current state of rendering engines
Vendor prefixes: Dead but not extinct
New selectors, pseudo-classes, etc.
CSS Flexible Boxes and layouts
CSS backgrounds, images, and gradients
Proposed HTML elements and attributes
Web Components and the Shadow DOM
HTML custom elements, etc.
General implications for Drupal
... and much more
This session is geared toward front-end developers, themers, and designers interested in a robust crash course in where HTML and CSS are headed in the short and long term. This session also assumes an advanced understanding of modern HTML and CSS. Though some of these techniques are still unavailable for general use, this session will give you the tools to engage in the discussion and to plan for the future of markup and style.

About me

Preston So has designed websites since 2001 and discovered Drupal in 2007. As a part of Acquia, he contributed to authoring improvements in Drupal 8. Since 2008, Preston has spoken at conferences and camps across the country (most recently DrupalCon Portland 2013 and NYCCamp 2014) on topics such as design, theming, usability, responsive design, and cutting-edge CSS.

Note: This session is a sequel to Frontiers of CSS (BADCamp 2012, DrupalCamp NJ 2013, DrupalCamp CT 2012).