DrupalCon Austin 2014: TWIG PLAYGROUND

Video Description

Speakers: mortendkCottserjoelpittet
Let's have some fun with Twig and the Drupal 8 theme system! In this lab we'll show off some of the exciting possibilities that we have with Twig, whether you work with markup and templates all day or write modules for a living.

We'll have demos as well as hands-on things that you can play with and we'll encourage you to experiment, go wild, and ask lots of questions with some of your Drupal 8 theme system co-maintainers in the room.


The elegant power you have inside Twig templates in Drupal 8 (markup control!)
A grab bag of Twig extensions, loaders, functions, filters, escaping, oh my! (And the difference between Twig nodes and Drupal nodes...)
Exciting theme-related module possibilities for Drupal 8 (maybe we can inspire some great contrib modules during this lab!)
Upgrading your Drupal 6 and 7 themes (if you must...)
So bring your ideas, your laptop, even your old Drupal themes, and join us for the supermegaultra Twig lab!