DrupalCon Austin 2014: THE CACHING DEEP DIVE

Video Description

Speakers: ohthehugemanateeSouvent22bmeshjason
In this workshop you will be an active participant, so please bring your laptop!

Back by popular demand from Prague 2013, the Caching Deep Dive is not for the faint of heart. We bring together Campbell Vertesi (ohthehugemanatee, Technical Architect at Forum One), Jason Ford (bmeshjason, CTO at Blackmesh), and Earnest Berry (souvent22, Senior Drupalist at the Economist) to dig deep into the issues of site caching, performance, and scalability.

This is not a session about the basics: you are expected to know what caching is and how it works already. We will compare various mainstream caching systems, their strengths and weaknesses, and common cache bin allocation strategies. You will learn how to performance test Drupal sites, producing benchmarks and load charts. You will learn how to diagnose caching problems, and optimize your cache configuration. You will learn how to make Varnish sit up and play fetch. We will discuss best practices in network topology, cache configuration, and performance testing, to give YOU the benefit of our deep experience in the area.

And you won't learn it by listening to us talk - you'll learn it by DOING, with your own computer, on a real server environment.