Video Description

Speakers: coderintherye
Kiva leverages Drupal to help make its operations run, and does so in some interesting ways from a custom built application on Drupal 5 by a nascent Chapter 3 built in 2008 to serving up the majority of our static content on Drupal 7 since 2011. We run campaigns, translations, applications, content, and all sorts of things from our Drupal platform.

In this talk, you'll learn a bit about microfinance, a lot about Kiva, and a lot more about how Kiva uses Drupal in some interesting ways, including interfacing with other systems like Salesforce and Amazon S3. The talk will also be about why Kiva is awesome, why Drupal is awesome, and how the two together along with both of their strong communities make awesome^2. Drupal has made life easier for us and powered a number of awesome things we do, and we're leveraging it in the way that's moving forward in the future, by heavily utilizing Services API and other contributed and custom modules.

Be sure to check out the Kiva module http://drupal.org/project/kiva
Our API build site: http://build.kiva.org
The awesome Drupal lending team http://www.kiva.org/team/drupal

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