DrupalCon Sydney 2013: Building for a Post-Mobile World

Video Description

It's the question everyone's asking these days: Is your site mobile friendly?

The dramatic growth of tablets and smartphones -- the rise of "mobile" -- has forced many of us to rethink our approaches to web design, site building, and content strategy. That kind of transformation isn't new, though, and the disruption we're dealing with won't end when we've launched our next responsive design refresh. How can we prepare for the future without driving ourselves crazy (or exploding our budgets)?

In this session we'll look at the evolution of digital content, the lessons that previous generations of designers and developers have learned, and how they apply to today's landscape. We'll see what other forward-thinking organizations are doing to future proof their content and prepare for a crazy multi-device world. And finally, we'll look at how Drupal's tools can help make the process simpler.