DrupalCon Munich 2012: The strategy behind designing for a CMS

Video Description

I used to say: "There isn't a hard-to-theme design, only a lazy or bad themer". But after over 6 years working as designer, themer and now a CEO of a Drupal consulting company (Mogdesign.eu) I would probably change it to: "There isn't a hard-to-theme design, but some are easier and more cost-effective". I would like to share a few lessons and ideas from what I learned. What are those aspects that make your designs successful, easier to theme, cost effective, but still beautiful and meeting your client's needs. In other words - how to make both your themer and client fall in love with you:)

- How is print design different from web design
- Typography, grids
- Learn about Drupal, theme layers, elements, blocks, regions, etc...
- How to find balance between beauty and usability
- Be consistent: use same layout for views, blocks, headlines, font sizes, line heights, borders, margins, comments, images
- Design a style guide: a specific page with all often used HTML & Drupal elements, image sizes
+ more tips on becoming pixel perfect designer

The style guide example will be available to download