Project Management vs. Product Management: What's the Difference?

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Lauren Maffeo

Product management and project management are two of today’s fastest-growing roles. Harvard and Cornell are among the business schools that have added product management curriculums to meet demand from students.

Meanwhile, the Project Management Institute predicts that employers will need 88 million people in project management roles by 2027. But if you're wondering what the difference is between these two roles, you're not alone.

These titles are often conflated, especially on small teams that have minimal time, resources, and candidates. But despite some overlap between these two roles, they serve distinctly different functions. This session will cover:

The definitions of project management vs. product management.
The key business functions that each role serves.
Frameworks for project management vs. product management.
Areas of overlap between these two roles.
How to know which role you should hire for your own team.