Platform (and Multi-Site) Thinking... What to Know Before Building Up and Out
Video Description
Lindsey Catlett
Moving from a collection of single websites to a managed Drupal 8 platform can usher in high-value advantages and efficiencies such as accelerated site creation, sharing common features, user data, and content. This session is intended for technical audiences and will discuss some of the most common mistakes and misperceptions of Drupal 8 multisite platform-building in planning, architecture, development, deployment, and maintenance with a focus on:
- Key technical differences between single site vs. multi-site / platform projects
- Common Drupal 8 platform architecture patterns
- How to develop a code and feature management framework that scales
Moving from a collection of single websites to a managed Drupal 8 platform can usher in high-value advantages and efficiencies such as accelerated site creation, sharing common features, user data, and content. This session is intended for technical audiences and will discuss some of the most common mistakes and misperceptions of Drupal 8 multisite platform-building in planning, architecture, development, deployment, and maintenance with a focus on:
- Key technical differences between single site vs. multi-site / platform projects
- Common Drupal 8 platform architecture patterns
- How to develop a code and feature management framework that scales