Standardize Your Local Development and CI with Lando

Video Description

Mike Pirog

Continuous integration methodologies and containerization technology can deliver huge efficiency gains for web development teams. However, even though many teams are overburdened with feature requests, new projects, and other #DevProblems they still still spend countless, often needless hours maintaining complex local development setups, out-of-date CI config files or those deploy scripts your last Lead Engineer thought were a "good idea", turning the promise of automated everything into a sad sad story of endless churn and technical debt.

In this session we will demonstrate how Lando, a free and open source DevOps tool built on Docker with a vibrant and growing community can simplify your local development and continuous integration requirements with a single in-version-control config file that can be shared across developers and projects, greatly reducing setup and maintenance hours and freeing up developers to develop.

We will cover:

Lando basics
Using Lando to set up a basic Drupal project
Configuring Lando automation and tests locally
Running those same tests in a CI environment

Who Should Attend:

Dev team leaders looking for "a better way"
Docker-frustrated developers
Biz focused people looking to level up their DevOps efficiency
Fans of Miley Cyrus

What You’ll End Up With:

The knowledge that easy and powerful local development and continuous integration tools are available and within your grasp
Appreciation that there is now a tool that can unify the local and CI experience
Example code of a single config file that can power a good deal of your organizations deploy pipeline
A sigh of relief knowing that your DevOps struggles and wrangling days will soon be behind you