Session: "Beetbox - a next generation VM for local L*MP development" by Thom Toogood
Video Description
DrupalSouth Gold Coast 2016
Room: Doghouse Agency (Level 2)
Thu, 27-Oct, 11:30
Intermediate - Building
Thom Toogood
Beetbox is a next generation VM for local L*MP development, built with Circle CI, Packer, Vagrant + Ansible and homegrown in Melbourne!
In this session we'll discus the benefits of developing inside a VM or container, specific to each project.
I'll introduce the technologies used to build beetbox, then explain the specific benefits of the project including :-
* Managing infrastructure as code (VCS, YAML, branching infastructure)
* Team/shared development environment (git pull && vagrant --provision)
* Standardised training/mentoring/onboarding
* Simple CI integration (CI environment synced with local)
* Pre-provisioned base box (Speed up builds easy replication)
* Minimal host machine dependencies. (Simple host setup)
* Modular architecture (core & contrib/ansible galaxy roles)
* Pets v cattle (Don't fix rebuild!)
* Almost limitless extensibility (Ansible custom tasks)
* Not Drupal specific (supports any L*MP project - Symfony, Wordpress etc)
* Latest development tools
- drush/drupal console
- composer
- xdebug
- xhprof/blackfire
- memcached/redis
- mailhog
- varnish
- phantomjs/selenium
- solr/elasticsearch
- ruby/nodejs
- docker/lxd
- & more
Room: Doghouse Agency (Level 2)
Thu, 27-Oct, 11:30
Intermediate - Building
Thom Toogood
Beetbox is a next generation VM for local L*MP development, built with Circle CI, Packer, Vagrant + Ansible and homegrown in Melbourne!
In this session we'll discus the benefits of developing inside a VM or container, specific to each project.
I'll introduce the technologies used to build beetbox, then explain the specific benefits of the project including :-
* Managing infrastructure as code (VCS, YAML, branching infastructure)
* Team/shared development environment (git pull && vagrant --provision)
* Standardised training/mentoring/onboarding
* Simple CI integration (CI environment synced with local)
* Pre-provisioned base box (Speed up builds easy replication)
* Minimal host machine dependencies. (Simple host setup)
* Modular architecture (core & contrib/ansible galaxy roles)
* Pets v cattle (Don't fix rebuild!)
* Almost limitless extensibility (Ansible custom tasks)
* Not Drupal specific (supports any L*MP project - Symfony, Wordpress etc)
* Latest development tools
- drush/drupal console
- composer
- xdebug
- xhprof/blackfire
- memcached/redis
- mailhog
- varnish
- phantomjs/selenium
- solr/elasticsearch
- ruby/nodejs
- docker/lxd
- & more