DrupalCampPannonia - Stefan Weber - 1xINTERNET - Decoupled Drupal Commerce with React Native


Stefan Weber - 1xINTERNET - Decoupled Drupal Commerce with React Native

In this presentation, you will learn about React Native combined with decupled Drupal. How Stefan and his team made e-commerce subscription service for ordering meals “Eldum”.

He showed us the working demo of desktop and Android version.
It was about time to rebuild the whole system from D7 in D8 combined with React Native.
We had a sneak peek of an overview of backend solutions they made.

Full presentation here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SzQA5aTX9w4N2aMr_UYB2BNuBK40BlAQ0Kee5okq9O4/edit#slide=id.p

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