Qualities and skills of exceptional developers, teams & leaders (and how to get them)

Video Description

With the rise of remote working, distributed teams and online collaboration the impact of good communication and healthy work (and online) spaces has become one of the most important factors in the success or failure of projects. Unfortunately we sometimes tend to underestimate our own roles in being a good and healthy team or community and don't always put in the work necessary to be successful in these areas.

This will be a session exploring what good leadership and teamwork consists of, what makes that possible and, more importantly, what to work on so we can be better leaders and teams ourselves.
The session will be mostly focused on the soft skills we may have but sometimes take for granted, forget to work on or simply don't master as much as we want to.
We will also discuss and break down specific, and sometimes difficult aspects we encounter when working with others.

Some tips and topics will include:

tips on better communication
dealing with difficult conversations, people and situations
giving and receiving criticism well
assumptions, intent, impact and biases we may not be aware of

Jordana Fung
