Accessibility for Project Managers

Video Description

Heather Gantz, Bounteous

The topic of accessibility has gained momentum in the last several years, and while wildly talked about in Engineering circles, it still manages to not get prioritized on project roadmaps and product backlogs. In this session we will explore how to incorporate Accessibility into your projects and manage the roadmap to compliance over time. We also introduce concepts to ensure your projects address and prioritize Accessibility as part of the ongoing site and not just viewed as a one time feature enhancement.


Making the case for accessibility

What is Accessibility and why is it not optional in 2019

Build your case for Accessibility to clients

Run Accessibility client review sessions.

What do PMs need to know

As Project Managers, we should all have a good working knowledge of what accessibility means for our projects, and be able to answer questions that our clients or stakeholders may have.

What do PMs need to do

Change engineering’s mindset from Accessibility features to standard coding practices.

Organize materials and resources for clients and content loaders.

Integrate Accessibility compliance as a continuous deliverable rather than a feature enhancement.

Heather Gantz
Project Director @ Bounteous
Heather Gantz is a seasoned SCRUM Master and Project Director with over 20 years experience. She has managed a number of project teams for a variety of projects including high-volume web, mobile, and internal applications. She excels at managing distributed teams on complex projects. Keeping her clients' projects on time and under budget is also a strength of hers. Her after work addiction is making dinner and eating outside on the patio with the family with the birds chirping, the butterflies flitting and the hummingbirds humming. Reality: dogs barking, lawn mowers buzzing, mosquitos biting, kids squirming – but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Heather lives in Fox River Grove, IL with her husband and two children, two dogs and a menagerie of other aquatic animal life. She has a BS in Marketing from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.