Top 5 learnings when running a project as a subcontractor
Video Description
Toni Karlsson
Drupal: tkarlsson
Navigating a large project structure as a subcontractor can sometimes be difficult and confusing, especially when there are multiple stakeholders involved. You might have a situation where your project has three project managers and two technical architects, among others.
Even with this many people involved, or maybe I should say especially with this many people involved, things can slip through the cracks and potentially escalate into bigger problems.
In this session, we’ll talk about what are the critical areas in a large scale project, that you need to pay close attention as a subcontractor and what to do when problems arise.
I’ll be sharing my top 5 learnings from a large scale website project, where my company was hired as a subcontractor.
Learning Objectives & Outcomes:
Session attendees will learn how to identify, manage and mitigate problem areas in a large scale projects with multiple stakeholders involved.
Drupal: tkarlsson
Navigating a large project structure as a subcontractor can sometimes be difficult and confusing, especially when there are multiple stakeholders involved. You might have a situation where your project has three project managers and two technical architects, among others.
Even with this many people involved, or maybe I should say especially with this many people involved, things can slip through the cracks and potentially escalate into bigger problems.
In this session, we’ll talk about what are the critical areas in a large scale project, that you need to pay close attention as a subcontractor and what to do when problems arise.
I’ll be sharing my top 5 learnings from a large scale website project, where my company was hired as a subcontractor.
Learning Objectives & Outcomes:
Session attendees will learn how to identify, manage and mitigate problem areas in a large scale projects with multiple stakeholders involved.