The State of Drupal 9

Video Description

Amber Himes Matz

What is the state of Drupal 9? What can I do now to prepare for the upcoming release? Learn how innovation happens in Drupal 9 through semantic versioning, scheduled releases, and experimental modules and why a new major release is still necessary. Hear about the various processes that are taking place to prepare for Drupal 9, including deprecation processes, and which major 3rd party APIs will be updated. Finally, learn what the support time frame for Drupal 7 sites will be and checks you can perform now to ensure Drupal 9 compatibility for a future migration.

By the end of this session, you should have a better understanding of why Drupal 9 is being released, the processes and planning currently taking place, and how to prepare for this upgrade.

This talk is based on a slide deck developed by Gábor Hojtsy, to help spread the word about Drupal 9.