A Better Idea: User-First for Federal Agencies

Video Description

claymarshall, jabaliwilliams, marcrambeau

In this session, members of the U.Group Experience team will present our approach to tackling the digital strategy for Federal Agency clients looking to modernize and consolidate multiple legacy websites to Drupal 8. We will demonstrate how this approach aligns with the 21st Century IDEA Act, particularly around key elements focused on customer experience and data-driven analysis when designing websites. To uncover users’ needs and desires, we use tactics such as navigation model testing, usability sessions, focus groups, surveys, heat mapping, interviews, and analytics. Finding the happy medium between internal stakeholder needs and external user desires is the challenge. A well-designed site must take both into account and balance what the user wants against what the organization is driving towards. Participants will leave understanding an effective approach to strategy, development, and UX.
