Piles of Post-Its - Staying Organized to Focus on What Matters

Video Description

Lily Berman

This session is for anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed by a giant and ever-expanding list of tasks and priorities. How do you keep them organized and prioritized to ensure you’re completing what’s most urgent and important, but also that nothing is slipping through the cracks?

As a manager (both project and account) in a variety of Drupal agencies, Lily has envied the workdays of designers and developers who focus for hours on a single task. In her world, a workday can often be split into 20+ time entries. Yikes! To survive, she has tested multiple frameworks and adapted a solution that works wonders for her. Come see the evolution of what she considers to be the perfect (for now) personal tasking system.

In this session, you will learn the:

Merits and limitations of digital tasking tools like Trello, Asana, and Jira
Magic of a pile of post-its (and when they’re at their best)
Bullet journal task list framework, and how it can be adapted to meet the needs of our industry
