Start Using the Emerging Layout Builder Ecosystem

Video Description

André Angelantoni

After years of preparation and work, Layout Builder has landed in core and it promises a new way to make pages in Drupal. Will Layout Builder take over from the long pedigrees of Display Suite, Panels and other page layout systems? Is it already on the way to doing that?

In this session, we will describe how we used Layout Builder on a major new Drupal 8 site and will cover:

what's currently available in Layout Builder
what's coming next in core, look at what we really want to see next
Oct 4 update: now introducing Layout Builder Kit, a set of components you can use on your site and a framework for your own components!
the existing modules that provide functionality not yet in Layout Builder
the key decisions you need to make when creating your own Layout Builder components
some gotchas when working with Layout builder, particularly with multilingual sites
how to use Layout Builder effectively depending on the type of page you are creating
When you leave this information-packed presentation, you'll be right up to date with Layout Builder and ready to make decisions on how to use it on both large and small sites.

• André Angelantoni, Founder of Performant Labs, a Drupal consulting firm based in San Francisco