Gutenberg Editor vs. Layout Builder in Drupal 8 (Jenna Shenk)

Video Description

In Drupal 8, site building as it relates to page layouts has become an increasingly complex issue. Between Paragraphs, Blocks, Panels, Layout Builder, and Gutenber Editor, the choices are seemingly endless for creating a solution that works for both developers and content editors.

We all know about Blocks, Paragraphs, and Panels—they are nothing new on the scene.
In this session, I will shine some light on two relatively new methods for site building and why I believe they are the future of Drupal page layouts. We will demo both the Gutenberg editor as well as the new Layout Builder, to display their strengths, weaknesses, and overall impact on site builders and content editors. These two new editors have the potential to change the way we design and build sites, and should be strongly considered as the new contender against Paragraphs and Panels.

Additionally, here is a recent blog post I created on layout builder, which I will be using to inform that portion of my talk: