Battle for online privacy

Video Description

Website data breaches and abuses of our personal data keep making the news. But what can we do about it? Are you protecting user privacy?

It's been over 1 year since the GDPR went into effect in Europe, a landmark law that promised to protect and change the way personal data gets used online. But did it have any effect? Especially for those of us in the USA, it may seem like business as usual. Or worse, that privacy is dead.

But you don't have to be a Facebook-sized company to be concerned. Learn about new laws coming to the USA, best practices in managing privacy for your site users, and what resources and Drupal modules can be useful for your websites.

New laws and regulations may not apply to you (yet). But that doesn't mean you can't start doing the right thing. The battle for online privacy is not over and we all can play a role–as site owners, editors, designers , developers, and members of the Drupal community.

Learning Objectives
Recommend what site owners, editors and developers can do to improve their website's privacy experience (PX)
Discuss what's happened in the year since GDPR became law in Europe, and what's coming for online privacy in the USA, including the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
Recap what resources, tools and modules you can start using to protect privacy, for yourself and others
Target Audience
Anyone interested in learning best practices for managing online privacy, for themselves, their clients and their organization
Clients and organizations with European customers (temporary or permanent)
Clients and organizations serving California residents
Users of websites that collect personal information, including contact forms and site analytics
Web developers, editors and site owners who work with personal data

Dan Moriarty
CEO and Creative Director @ Electric Citizen
Dan is a co-founder of Electric Citizen, a Minneapolis-based and Drupal-focused web agency. He helped start Twin Cities Drupal Camp in 2011, and has been an active volunteer, sponsor and lead organizer every year since.

Dan has been working with Drupal since 2008, as a front-end developer and designer. He currently oversees business operations for Electric Citizen, while also managing discovery, UX and design for a variety of public-sector clients.