Configuration management in Drupal 8 for beginners

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You just finished building a feature that has taken months to get right. Your work in the development environment is approved and you're ready to take it to production.

Moving the code is easy since you’re using Git, but what will you do about all of that configuration saved in the database? You added content types, fields, and even views. Do you really want to recreate your work again in the Live environment? And are you confident that you won't make a mistake along the way?

In this session, we’re going to be learning the basics of Configuration Management and make the business case for getting started right away. Before we go, we'll highlight techniques for managing this workflow from the command line using Drush and demonstrate how to completely automate deployment with Continuous Integration.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, attendees will be able to:

Apply comprehensive workflows to your everyday site building process.

Pull configuration out of the database and into version control.

Deploy configuration to Live in the UI and from the command line.

Automate configuration imports in each of your environments.

Bring it all together and improve your team development workflow.

Target Audience

This session is for:

Customers who have no tolerance for mistakes.

Sitebuilders who want to deploy to a Live environment in minutes.

Sitebuilders, developers, or project managers who want to version control configuration, add accountability, and track changes over time.


Attendees will get the most out of this session by being familiar with basic sitebuilding techniques and Drupal best practices. Prior experience with version control, configuration management, or command lines are not required but may provide additional context.

David Needham
Developer Advocate @ Pantheon
David Needham is a Developer Advocate at Pantheon where he focuses on developer education and training. When he's not blogging about productivity at or speaking at conferences, you can probably find him with his bicycle-loving family playing board games in Champaign, IL.