Creating High Performing Teams
Video Description
Ever wondered what qualities high performing teams share? Learn how to develop an effective team and drive performance.
People are the foundation of every business – this session will explore what makes us tick, and how we behave in groups. We discuss the stages of team development and how to get from one to the next, as well as look at individual motivators that drive performance.
We'd love to get your feedback on this year's DrupalGov event:
Presented by: Nicole Ritchie,
Level: Novel topic - suits all levels
People are the foundation of every business – this session will explore what makes us tick, and how we behave in groups. We discuss the stages of team development and how to get from one to the next, as well as look at individual motivators that drive performance.
We'd love to get your feedback on this year's DrupalGov event:
Presented by: Nicole Ritchie,
Level: Novel topic - suits all levels