Drupal-based grants management system for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan

Video Description

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI), who has been spearheading digital transformation within the Japanese government, decided to digitalise the way grants are managed.

Management of grants issued by the Japanese government is highly complex; application forms are paper-based; the evaluation and management jobs are regularly outsourced to external secretariats (who often outsource the jobs further); and each secretariat is allowed to design the process at their discretion. These elements (among others) made the digitisation a significant challenge.

In order to solve this fundamental issue, we first extracted the common denominator of existing processes, then simplified and streamlined it through BPR. For this being an unprecedented project, we used an agile methodology to accommodate changes and new requests as the client's understanding of the system deepened. The resulting service - jGrants - provides both secretariats and applicants with vastly improved experience while allowing them to comply with relevant laws transparently.

In this presentation, we will explain about jGrants' features, as well as our vision of making the governments' services more accessible for the citizens.


Presented by: Mori Sugimoto, ANNAI
Level: Beginner

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