DevOps Summit - DevOps - people, processes, technologies, and…
Video Description
This panel will kick off the day by talking about what DevOps is bringing different perspectives to the conversation.
Topics of discussion will cover:
What is DevOps?
What are the business impacts of getting DevOps right or wrong?
What are the challenges in implementing DevOps?
What are some key things to focus on
Tess Flynn, TEN7
Elli Ludwigson, DDEV
Mike Anello, DrupalEasy
Albert Volkman, Esteemed
Topics of discussion will cover:
What is DevOps?
What are the business impacts of getting DevOps right or wrong?
What are the challenges in implementing DevOps?
What are some key things to focus on
Tess Flynn, TEN7
Elli Ludwigson, DDEV
Mike Anello, DrupalEasy
Albert Volkman, Esteemed