Cross-platform Apps and PWAs Powered by Drupal for Everyone

Video Description

Every organization, every budget, and every timeline can be a perfect case for an app powered by Drupal. Published on the app store, stable, and often indistinguishable from a native app, PWAs can be a perfect solution to reach your goals on time and on budget.

Progressive web app technology coupled with cross-platform frameworks and native code can be used to optimize the development process and get your app delivered using web technologies familiar to a wider range of developers. The end result is a more stable and polished product.

This presentation will include my story of creating a successful business based on an app for both iOS and Android that uses PWA technologies and native code. All powered by Drupal.

We explore projects supported by Google for PWAs such as Bubblewrap and workarounds for iOS including PWA builder's recent adoption of WKWebview, as well as custom code solutions for WKWebview.

Benefits of PWAs include
-Efficient timelines and budgets.
-Utilizing existing veteran development resources and technologies for a stable reliable experience.
-Enhanced SEO when integrated into a website.
-Limited network usage and offline functionality improves performance and is beneficial for those living in developing nations.

Alex Borsody
Software developer with 15 years experience in the trenches of NYC, has leveraged the Drupal platform to build everything from enterprise websites to mobile apps as well as to launch successful startups.

I try to push the limits of established and emerging technology, particularly with cross-platform apps. I am the co-maintainer of the PWA module on and enjoy building apps that combine web and native technologies. I also developed WSDL Docs, a Drupal module funded by Google for their Apigee platform.