Intro to Layout Paragraphs: an Easy-to-Use, Drag-and-Drop Content Editing Tool for Drupal

Video Description

Layout Paragraphs is a contributed Drupal module that combines drag-and-drop editing, Drupal core's layout API, and the Paragraphs module to provide an accessible, easy-to-use authoring experience. Designed to empower marketing and editorial teams everywhere, Layout Paragraphs offers a WYSIWYG interface for publishing highly visual, long-form content.

In this session, we'll demo the capabilities of Layout Paragraphs, explain how it differs from core's Layout Builder, and show participants how to implement Layout Paragraphs in their own Drupal websites.

Empower your marketing and editorial staff to create highly visual, long form content – without relying on outside agencies or technical staff.

Download and install Layout Paragraphs, along with its dependencies.
Configure Layout Paragraphs to support the specific types of highly visual, long-form content your organization publishes online.
Publish dynamic, long-form pages using Layout Paragraphs – without requiring developers or an outside agency.
This session is for two specific audiences: first, marketers or editors who publish long-form digital content; second, developers serving the needs of online publishers.

Experience publishing content with Drupal -- creating pages, using Drupal's existing WYSIWYG editor, and interacting with Drupal's admin pages.

Justin Toupin
Justin is CEO and founding partner at Aten Design Group. He started the company back in 2000 with a passion for technology and communications, a desire to do meaningful work, and an aspiration to help build a place where people love what they do.

Justin speaks publicly on occasion about design and development process, working with clients, and the business of running a design company. He is a co-maintainer for several Drupal projects, including Layout Paragraphs, a drag-and-drop editing tool for Drupal.