Marketing Meets Privacy: What You Need to Know DrupalCon Portland 2022

Video Description

Speaker: John Doyle

Privacy legislation is rapidly being signed throughout the United States and keeping up with the new laws, regulations, and policies can be a challenge for web and marketing teams. To make it more confusing, these laws are being passed at the state level, with rules and regulations that vary by state. In this session, we will discuss some of the privacy legislation that has been passed over the last few years and what it means for Marketing teams. We will also provide some resources and recommendations to help you stay up to date with this rapidly changing landscape.

In this session we will discuss:
1. Highlights of privacy laws in the US over the past few years
2. What do these privacy laws mean for web and marketing teams now and into the near future
3. Useful resources for staying ahead of new privacy laws
4. Q&A